They are all freeware thanks to all to give us these nice tool for free lots of work
Designing Tools

For 2D design

For 3D Design

For 2D Design and G-Code Generation with JTech Photonics Laser Tool Pluggin

3D Design by Scripting
Pilot for Hardware : CNC -LASER-3D Printer

bCNC to Pilot Your CNC base on GRBL . This is probably the work of Mr Vasilis Vlachoudis that made me start the all story.

LaserGRBL Nice tool to Pilot your Laser

Marlin For 3D Printer

To pilot stepper motors, CNC spindle laser.. for your favorites 2D or 3D axis machines

Developpement interface for Arduino ESP8266 boards and needed to upload firmware to your CNC, 3D Printer or Laser