It is based on Eleksmaker Laser I saw on the internet. The construction seemed to me quite robust : I will explain later on the differents options for parts and assembly but the original is very fine.
Below, assembly instructions you can rely on :


I Use bCNC Software : big thanks to
Vasilis Vlachoudis and his great job!

I will detail its use later on

I also prepare 3D parts in STL format but it is far longer to print than CNC milling ; however in some situations, it can help

V-Slot 2040 V-Slot 2020

V-Slot 20×20 X400 mm QTY: 2
400mm up To 1000 if you want bigger

V-Slot 20×40 X400mm QTY: 3
400 mm up To 1000 if you want bigger

Nema 17 Motors 0.4A QTY : 3
I have 0.4A more powerfull 1.3 A for X axis could be goo too if you want to support a z-axis. Be carrefull power of three motors cannot exceed power of the card 3A with safety tolerance ..
If you cut the cable or wire it

3 axis Mana Board Eleksmaker bought on Aliexpress QTY:1
I chose this board because It was possible to change Arduino Nano board and motors drivers : a good idea because I had to change Arduino Nano ATmega328P to upload GRBL 1.1.f .
The board was delivered with an Nano ATmega128 wich has not enough space.

I Chose 3 axis board in case of a Z-axis ; if you want only a 2 axis laser the board exist in 2 drivers version and is cheaper.

Chinese Laser 15W QTY:1
Or the power you want you will have to adapt mount holes I really have doubts about the power 🙁 . I would not encourage its use.

Wheels with 625ZZ bearing QTY :12

GT2 Gear 20 Teeth 5 mm Diameter QTY:3

GT2 Belt QTY:2m
Or more depending of the size of frame you want

Belt tensioner with M4x10mm Bolts an Screw QTY : 4
M4x10 mm for assembly
QTY : 8
Found on Thingiverse

End Stop QTY : 2

Eccentrics spacers QTY:12
Eccentrics really make the difference ; my first version was with standard spacer and everything was “floating”

M5 Bolts
M5x35 QTY : 8
M5x15mm QTY : 12
M5x8mm QTY : 12

M5x50 QTY : 4

M5 Hammer Screw QTY : 30

Power Supply 220V ->12V 5A

XH 2.54 mm If needed for wiring cables

So that the Gantry on Y-Axis works fine the 2 motors need to work the opposit way ! They are looking at each other .. So you will probaly have to revert one of your cable. As written on the board Note : A+A-B+B- for Y1 and Y2 motors. For reverting your JST connector you need the tool below :

For connectors below … not easy to use the first time

Feet for the laser I designed QTY : 4

Inside diameter 10mm QTY : 2m
Or more if you extend size of laser

Laser Switch optional but usefull

Small svg file to get you switch nicer
Then configure GRBL 1.1 f Configuration according to : Buy the way : thanks a lot to GRBL Team, they realise a great job !
Grbl 1.1f [‘$’ for help]
[MSG:’$H’|’$X’ to unlock]
$0=10 (Step pulse time)
$1=25 (Step idle delay)
$2=0 (Step pulse invert)
$3=3 (Step direction invert)
$4=0 (Invert step enable pin)
$5=0 (Invert limit pins)
$6=0 (Invert probe pin)
$10=3 (Status report options)
$11=0.050 (Junction deviation)
$12=0.002 (Arc tolerance)
$13=0 (Report in inches)
$20=1 (Soft limits enable)
$21=0 (Hard limits enable)
$22=1 (Homing cycle enable)
$23=3 (Homing direction invert)
$24=25.000 (Homing locate feed rate)
$25=500.000 (Homing search seek rate)
$26=25 (Homing switch debounce delay)
$27=3.000 (Homing switch pull-off distance)
$30=1000 (Maximum spindle speed)
$31=0 (Minimum spindle speed)
$32=1 (Laser-mode enable)
$100=80.000 (X-axis travel resolution)
$101=80.000 (Y-axis travel resolution)
$102=400.000 (Z-axis travel resolution)
$110=1000.000 (X-axis maximum rate)
$111=1000.000 (Y-axis maximum rate)
$112=1000.000 (Z-axis maximum rate)
$120=100.000 (X-axis acceleration)
$121=100.000 (Y-axis acceleration)
$122=200.000 (Z-axis acceleration)
$130=240.000 (X-axis maximum travel)
$131=240.000 (Y-axis maximum travel)
$132=10.000 (Z-axis maximum travel)
// I use this G-CODE to put laser in low power mode for focusing it
G1 F100
M03 S1
M03 S0


Only one motor for Y Axis the second one has been replace with a rod . Don’t know about accuracy

X-Gantry profile 4020 has been replaced with a 2020 profile and 2 corners. Y-axis sliders are also in 2020 profiles : Less expensive

A minimalist one for small engraving/cut